Money Code Review: 100% Scam or SAFE Trading System?
Have you ever heard of The Money Code? If you have you might just think that it is a good way to make some extra money on the side, or as they would have you believe, a good way to become filthy rich in just a few easy days of doing nothing except for sitting in front of your computer. The Money Code is the latest in a long line of binary options trading platforms that has hit the market and promises to turn you into a caviar eating millionaire in no time at all.
We can’t stress enough that The Money Code (official website: is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme designed to empty your trading account before you know what happened. The Money Code system is full of fake promises of huge profits, fictitious personalities, and claims to fame that just don’t make any sense or hold any merit at all.
Money Code or Money Code Binary Options Trading Scam review?
Perhaps the most disturbing and obviously fake lie that we are told about The Money Code system is that we can become millionaires in just a few weeks. Of course there is absolutely no evidence to back up their claims and the only indication we get that this is true is the pile of fraudulent testimonials on The Money Code official website, testimonials which are also as fake as that you won’t believe it’s not butter crap. The amount of profits that The Money Code can generate is said to equal millions of dollars per year, even on a small investment of 250 dollars, something which of course is ludicrous.
How much Profits can Money Code System Generate?
The Money Code claims that you can make over 1,200 dollars in just 6 minutes, something which we find very hard to believe. Furthermore we are told that The Money Code can generate up to 750 dollars per hour, which is about as much as real and reliable automated binary trading platform such as Copy Buffett Software or NEO2 autotrader can make in a whole day. If you didn’t notice the mathematical discrepancies in their reasoning, let’s just point them out quickly. If The Money Code scam software can make 1,200 dollars in 6 minutes, how does that translate to 750 dollars per hour? 750 is slightly more than half of 1,200, the 1,200 being generated in 6 minutes whereas the 750 is made in a whole hour.
READ: NEO2 vs Copy Buffett Software (which is more profitable?)
Tell us we’re wrong if you like but that just doesn’t make any sense. If this service can generate 1,200 dollars in 6 minutes, it should be able to generate 12,000 dollars in one hour! Clearly the criminals behind this scam have the mathematical skills of a cucumber, not to mention that they think we the public are as dumb as a bag of doorknobs. Their numbers simply don’t make any sense and we really think that The Money Code doesn’t and can’t generate any money what so ever.
The Cartoon Presentation Video
Something else that we feel needs to be addressed when it comes to this binary options trading app is the fact that they grace us with the crappiest of crappy presentation videos. Usually these binary options scam system will at least go through the trouble of putting together a decent presentation video with fake actors portraying the owners and brains behind the operation, but that isn’t even so with The Money Code. The cartoon presentation video for this software is less than convincing and we are left wondering as to why a business that can generate millions of dollars can’t even make a decent video.
How Does The Money Code Work and does it work?
How does the money code work is a really funny question to be asking because your guess is as good as ours. We are given some convoluted explanation of how The Money Code exposes some kind of banking loophole which no one else has yet discovered to generate massive amounts of cash. The explanation they give makes zero sense and it seems as though they just throw a bunch of financial jargon at us to confuse us and make it sound like it’s really complicated in order to make us think that it’s legitimate.
They think that if they make it complicated enough so that we won’t understand it, that we will just take their word for it. The fact of the matter is that we have no clue as to how The Money Code is supposed to work, plus if there really is such a great financial loophole you would think that somebody else, say someone who works on Wall Street, would have discovered it before now. In all likelihood The Money Code is a completely fraudulent trading program that is designed for one sole purpose which is the theft of your hard earned money.
FAKE: Paul Thomas
Speaking of being fraudulent, the supposed owner of The Money Code software app is just as fake as the profits that are promised to us. The man’s name is “Paul Thomas” and we are told that he is some kind of financial genius that has spent years trading on the market and has now created a trading program to spread the wealth with us average Joes. It is always really suspicious when an entity such as The Money Code app which wants us to trust them with our money, can’t even show us a face behind the name. Why should we trust people with our hard earned money when we have no idea who these people are?
Verdict: Money-Code app is SCAM, stay away!
We couldn’t find one good reason as to why you should trust the Money Code system with your money. We found nothing but lies about giant piles of gold coins that it will generate for us and we hear them from some crappy cartoon characters. There is no way that this investment robot can generate the profits which they claim to be able to achieve and we highly doubt that it can make any money at all. Despite the fact we have received countless emails from people who lost their deposited money within 3-4 hours, we also found many terrible and bad comments from the actual users of Money Code on other blogs. Please stay away from this scam service and warn others!
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READ: BinaDroid 2 (Features and Overview)
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