The Genius Profits App Scam Review – STAY AWAY!

The Genius Profits App Scam Review – STAY AWAY!


Genius Profits Software is just another giant binary options scam looking to steal your money, and we are going to prove that without a shadow of a doubt. Professor Benjamin Grant, as he calls himself, is the so called genius behind The Genius Profits system, and he claims that it can make you a millionaire in virtually no time at all. The world of binary options is a pretty risky industry, something which every professional trader knows, but the right automated trading program can make all of the difference between a profit and lost investments.

So, is the genius profits scam the right program to use? Notice, how we called it a scam? That is because this is the Genius Profits scam review, and we’re here to tell you why you need to stay away from this bogus trading program at all costs. Genius Profits software is filled with flaws, fallacies, and downright lies, each of which serve to make this one of the absolute worst trading systems in a very long time. Keep reading to find out exactly why you need to stay away from the Genius Profits scam by any means necessary.

How Does Genius Profits Software Generate Cash?

How any binary options trading program makes its money is a very important factor which will decide if the program is worth investing in. Unfortunately for the Genius Profits app, and unfortunately for us, we are never really told how it works. During the presentation video, Mr. Grant provides us this long winded explanation that serves to tell us nothing about Genius profits software, nothing whatsoever.

It feels like this con artist is just throwing a bunch of big terms, financial rhetoric, and confusing words at us in the hopes that we just give up on our logical thought process, fall for the trap, and believe that the Genius Profits app actually works. At the end of the day, Mr. Grant gives us such a convoluted and meaningless explanation that leaves us with more unanswered questions and confused looks than we had to begin with.


Is Genius Profits Software Profitable?

One of the most striking aspects of Genius Profits software is how the supposed professor Benjamin Grant claims that it can make us a so called overnight millionaire. Now, he doesn’t say that his program can generate a million dollars in one single day, but he does claim that the Genius Profits app can generate over $25,000 in a single day, and it can do so 7 days per week, thus making you a millionaire in just a few short months.

Moreover, Benjamin Grant also says that Genius Profits software is 100% risk free and it will never lose trades, or in other words, it has a 100% ITM rate and a profit rate of several thousand percent.

Do we really need to explain how absolutely ridiculous all of these fancy claims are? Yes, there are some good trading programs out there, but none of them can do anything near what Genius Profits software says it can muster.

The best trading programs that we have ever come across can muster somewhere around 800 dollars per day at the very most, which is just a small fraction of what Benjamin claims his program can do. The fact of the matter is that there is no trading program in the whole world that can come up with those kinds of numbers, especially on a minimal investment of just a couple hundred bucks. It’s simply impossible.

Furthermore, like we mentioned before, the trading in binary options is very risky, and while a good trading robot can reduce that risk, it still can’t completely eliminate it. There are just way too many factors which can affect the price of anything on the market, factors which even a future telling oracle couldn’t comprehend.

The bottom line is that there is always risk in this world, and there is no trading program out there that can totally eliminate that risk, not even Genius Profits software. Therefore, claiming to have a 100% winning trade rate is about as ridiculous as a unicorn piloting a Boeing 747.

Everything we are told in terms of ITM and profits in regards to Genius profits software is a total bogus lie. Oh, and that whole part about being able to make profits 7 days a week, well, do these liars know that the markets are closed on the weekend and not open to trading? That’s probably important to note as well!

Can We Trust Professor Benjamin Grant?

Based on what we have already talked about, do you really think that you can trust this raving madman? In our honest opinion, and also based on some hard evidence, Benjamin Grant is a phony scam artist looking to steal your money. Oh, and his name definitely is not Benjamin! He claims to be a former professor of economics and financial analysis, and he also says that he used to be a big time trader who made his money investing in the stock market. Interestingly enough Benjamin never tells us what school he taught at. Oh yeah, and we never even get to see his face!

This is clear tactic to keep us from finding out who he really is. It’s hard to confirm how good of a teacher he was, or if he even was a teacher, if he doesn’t tell us where he worked. Moreover, we have a hard time believing that Benjamin really is who he says he is to begin with. We couldn’t find any evidence of this Ben Grant character actually existing at all.

Search results came up completely empty. Besides links to the Genius Profits scam, we couldn’t find a single thing about him, no social media presence, no employment records, no biographical info, just nothing. You really shouldn’t invest with Genius Profits software because there is absolutely nothing to indicate that this is a legitimate trading platform, and prime evidence of that is how they use a phony character to portray the leader.

Genius Profits Scam Review – Conclusion

So, the man behind the program is a fraud, we have no idea how the program works, and the profits are unrealistic and completely unattainable. What more do you need to know? Heck, they don’t even use real brokers! The Genius Profits app reeks of a scam. There is nothing more to it. This program has one purpose and that is to rob you of your money. STAY AWAY.

If you really want to try your hand at binary trading and want a reliable program you could try using the best program on the market today, NUVO Finance. NUVO Finance is a relatively new binary trading platform that we have personally tested. It is proven to have an average ITM rate of around 85% (depending on market conditions), it has an average daily profit rate of $800, and we trust it completely with our money.


Thank you very much for reading this detailed scam review. Subscribe to our blog in order to be fully protected and to be up to date with all binary options services out there. Additionally please share and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. See you next time! 

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