Penny Millionaire


Lexington Code





Binary trading is a great way to make some extra money on the side, and in some cases it is a great way to make a full living, if not more. Recently we had done 2 separate reviews on trading programs, one being the Penny Millionaire App, and the other being the Lexington Code binary options autotrader.

Surprisingly enough, both of these binary trading applications turned out to be reliable and quite profitable. Furthermore it has been also claimed that both of these autotrading systems are the most accurate and most profitable binary trading apps in the market today. However that is not enough for us because we want to know which one is more profitable and which one is the best choice for you to invest in. Let’s get to it and compare some of the most crucial points of each trading program to find out which one is the best.

Competitive Trading Methods

Perhaps the most important thing to look at when doing a comparison between Penny Millionaire App vs Lexington Code trading system is how they function to make their profits. The trading strategy that each program uses is a very important aspect, because without a good strategy, there are also no profits. Let’s compare the 2 trading strategies and see if we can decide on a clear winner.

# ™Lexington Code

Lexington Code auto-trading program uses a very unique trading strategy. Instead of making a few trades and placing all of the risk in a small number of trades, the Lexington Code app works through a strategy of diversification.
Diversification is well trusted strategy that has been used in the financial trading world for a very long time. There is a lot less risk of losing your money when there are very many small trades made instead of just a few big ones. Thanks to the advanced algorithm that The Lexington Code app uses, it can predict a great number of winning trades with relative accuracy, most of which are going to be profitable.

Even if you do lose a trade or two, there will always be many more than actually end up being profitable. This is not a bad strategy, moreover it is a time tested method of trading that is trusted by experts around the world. Overall reported ITM winning rate performance with Lexington-Code is above 83.5%.

# ™Penny Millionaire system

The Penny Millionaire trading system uses quite a different trading strategy than Lexington Code trading program. The Penny Millionaire app does use some highly sophisticated algortihms and a variety of strategies to decide which trades are profitable to make. However there is a really big difference between the two.
Penny Millionaire does not only generate money through the high number of profitable ITM  trades it makes, the real secret is with the one single cent that gets saved from each trade. The Penny Millionaire app takes a single penny from every trade that it makes and deposits it in a high interest cumulative savings account.

Every penny in that account doubles after each trade day by day. So, one cent turns into two, then four, eight, sixteen, and so on. After a very short amount of time this compound interest account serves to generate a huge profit, and that is the case even if the trades themselves aren’t always profitable.

#1st Place: Trading Strategy Winner –

Penny Millionaire

The clear winner in our eyes in terms of the trading strategy used is the Penny Millionaire program. Sure, the algorithms themselves may not be as profitable as those of Lexington Code autotrader (Penny Millionaire is able to achieve solid 82% ITM win rate in long term), but the trades themselves are not all that matters. At the end of the day, the strategy of using a compound interest savings account to make a profit is indeed the best way to make a profit, thus making the Penny Millionaire app the clear winner.

The Profits Potential & ITM Win Rate Performance

The whole point of trading in the binary options world is of course to make a profit. Therefore, something that needs to be analyzed in this comparison is how profitable each of the two different programs are. Let’s take a closer look at just how much money you can make with each of these binary trading platforms.

Lexington Code

The Lexington Code has the ability to generate anywhere between $650 and $1100 dollars every single day (depending on market volatility and investment per each trade). This is of course a great amount of profits that everyone would be more than happy with. Based on our research, the claims of people that have used it, and our own experiences, it is possible to make around 1,200 dollars per day with The Lexington Code trading system. This is one of the most profitable trading app out there, yet the chance of making a profit is quite reliable and you are sure to make at least 500 dollars every single day. But bear in mind that Lexington doesn’t have compound interest fund feature unlike Penny millionaire. 

Penny Millionaire

The profits of the penny millionaire may not be quite as high as those of Lexington Code app on a regular basis, but at the end of the day, the Penny Millionaire app’s proclivity to save a penny from every trade and put it in a compound interest account seems to be more effective at making money in the long run.
While the Penny Millionaire’s ITM and accuracy rates may not be as high as The Lexington Code, which means that it has a lower chance of winning each trade, the fact that one single penny can turn into a million dollars in a few short weeks thanks to compound interest makes it more profitable. The Penny Millionaire app, thanks to compound interest, can make a higher profit than the Lexington Code. 

Profits Winner

Penny Millionaire

The clear winner here is of course Penny Millionaire App. The fact of the matter is that compound savings win the day and allow Penny Millionaire trading system to make much more money on a long run basis than The Lexington Code trading program.

Reliable and Trustworthy Brokers

The brokers of any trading system are the ones which end up handling your money, thus you want to make sure that the brokers are reliable, trustworthy, and aren’t going to steal your money when you look the other way. Where the broker is located is a big deal when it comes to being able to trust them.

Lexington Code Supported Brokers

The Lexington Code autotrader does use reliable brokers that are all located in well regulated and financially reputable countries. There are no problems that we can see with The Lexington Code app’s brokers. However, the broker is automatically synced to your account and it gives you no choice of which broker you prefer to use.

Penny Millionaire Supported Brokers

Just like the Lexington Code, The Penny Millionaire also uses trustworthy brokers. We have been able to confirm that the Penny Millionaire only uses the best brokers around. The main difference between the two trading programs is that it lets you choose from a list of brokers when you want to upgrade your acount. Being able to choose your own broker helps give us a sense of security.

Brokers Winner – ™Penny Millionaire

Once again, the clear winner of this section is the Penny Millionaire trading system. Yes, both of the programs use good and reliable brokers, but the fact that Penny Millionaire software lets you choose which broker you want to use is definitely a big bonus and that means it is the winner.

Lexington-Code & Penny Millionaire app:


Another important thing to think about before investing with either of these two programs is how expensive it is to use. Well, the good news is that both the Lexington Code and The Penny Millionaire are absolutely free to use. Of course you have to make an initial investment with both of the programs in order to get started, but a small investment of 250 dollars is not very much when you consider how profitable both of them are. You will be required to make this initial investment with your assigned broker in order to Activate the autortader. Your invested money is yours and you can make withdrawal anytime you want. When it comes to the cost, both are technically free to use, which means that The Lexington Code and The Penny Millionaire App come out on even ground.

Penny Millionaire VS Lexington Code:


We aren’t going to lie and tell you that you will become a millionaire with either of these programs, however both will help you generate decent weekly profits that would be equal to an average weekly wages. When it comes to which one of these programs is better, the Penny Millionaire App definitely comes out on top. Penny Millionaire uses a far better trading strategy, or at least the compound interest part of the app makes it much better than Lexington Code trading software. Moreover, the fact that the compound interest account helps to double all of your money on a daily basis would seem to be far more profitable than Lexington Code. Plus, The Penny Millionaire App gives you the ability to choose between a list of multiple brokers, not to mention that it is also free to use.

After reading user’s responses and after testing both systems ourselves in our very honest opinion, the Penny Millionaire trading system is much more reliable, more profitable, and much easier to use too. If we had to recommend one of these programs for use, it would without a doubt have to be The Penny Millionaire App.

Click Below:

#1 Winner

#2nd Place


If you have any questions, issues or of you experience any problems please email us and we will be glad to assist you: [email protected]

Thank you very much for reading this detailed Penny Millionaire and Lexington Code  review. Subscribe to our blog in order to be fully protected and to be up to date with all binary options services out there. Additionally please share and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. See you next time! 

Posted in BinaryOptions Army Speaks Out!, New Signals Services
2 comments on “
  1. Jimmy says:

    Penny millionaire has been great so far, around 82% win rate am getting at the moment

  2. TonyD says:

    I think that you are providing a useful service to all traders by protecting them from all these scammers

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